Your Jersey Village divorce lawyer may have forgotten to tell you how to be on your best behavior in court, or he may have told you some of the requirements, or he may have avoided to tell you altogether because he don’t want to offend your fragile sensibilities; however, the list below will more than make up for what he missed. Note that being in court, especially for a divorce, is an emotional nightmare. You need all the courage you can muster to avoid an outburst that may reflect very badly on you in the eyes of a judge. Your sense of honor will be insulted, witnesses are going to lie, lawyers are going to discuss you like an item on a supermarket’s shelf and you will wish the floor could swallow you. However, take heart. This will not go on forever. So here is the list.
Arrive Early
The recommended time is 45 minutes before the scheduled time for the proceedings to begin. Make sure you are not rushing the last minute to get into the court room. Bursting into the court when the proceedings are underway usually annoys the judges.
Carry Few Items
The security at the courts’ entry will not allow you through until they verify all the items you carry are allowed in the court. After all, you are about to be divorced and you might be suicidal…or worse still, you might be tempted to get physical with your spouse. This can be ugly.
Don’t bring the person you’re are dating
For this time only, get moral support from your inner self. If you are already dating, bringing that person will be an insult to your spouse. The judge is also human and the thoughts in his mind will be ‘he/she couldn’t wait until the divorce is finalized…how much more he/she can do when not in public’.
Observe simple mannerism
Do not talk in the courtroom; switch off your phone; dress official; and wait until it is your time to speak.
Don’t yield to the other parties’ attempts to a conversation
You might be giving your spouse’s divorce lawyer ammunition to pin you down with. Do not communicate with them; rather, let them seek information from your lawyers. Never try to make eye contact with your spouse in court. It will bring all the emotions that have been pent up for a long time on the surface. You cannot afford to be irritable in a court of law. This makes you use bad language, a very bad sign to the judge.
Be Clear and Concise
The judge wants to hear your side of the story. When you are interviewed by the competition, do not be cowed. The judge is used to this theatrics and he can discern who is telling the truth and who is lying. Just tell it as it is, loudly enough but not shouting. When your partner lies, do not get hysterical. Take it in stride. The judge is an expert at detecting lies. If the other side seems to be winning, that might not be the case. \Judges uses the law and not theatrics to decide cases. Consult the Jersey Village divorce lawyer on points of law. Make use of him, because after all, that is why you hired him.
Michael Busby Jr. is a Divorce, Family Law, & Houston Divorce Lawyer, who practices in Harris County Texas and the counties that surround Harris County, Texas. He has been in practice for over 14 years and has tried over 300 cases. He is familiar with the policy and procedures of the Harris County Texas Divorce Courts. Our office is open until 8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for working folks.
Michael Busby Jr.
6100 Corporate Dr. Ste 190
Houston, Texas 77036
(713) 974-1151
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