1-281-DIVORCE (348-6723)

Justice of the Peace Fort Bend County Precinct 2 Place 2

Justice of the Peace Fort Bend County Precinct 2 Place 1

Justice of the Peace Fort Bend County Precinct 2 Place 2: Key Information and Services

The Justice of the Peace Court for Fort Bend County Precinct 2 Place 2, presided over by the Honorable Michael Moore, provides accessible legal services for residents of Needville and surrounding areas. The court is located at 3114 Rosenberg St, Needville, Texas 77461. Under the Texas Constitution, counties establish justice of the peace precincts based on population, with each precinct supporting one or two courts. Fort Bend County has five justice of the peace courts to serve its communities.

Judge Michael Moore’s Jurisdiction and Responsibilities

Judge Michael Moore handles a variety of civil cases with a monetary limit of $10,000, excluding interest. His jurisdiction also includes eviction cases and enforcement of deed restrictions for residential subdivisions that do not involve structural changes to a dwelling. The court ensures fairness and adheres to procedures outlined in the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure and Texas Rules of Evidence.

Services Offered by the Court

  • Civil Suits: Cases involving money damages or disputes over possession of property.
  • Evictions: Handling landlord-tenant disputes and granting possession of property where appropriate.
  • Deed Restriction Enforcement: Resolving disputes related to residential deed restrictions without structural modifications.

Navigating the Court System

The justice court system in Texas is designed to be user-friendly, allowing individuals to represent themselves. However, understanding the rules and procedures is critical for success in any case. Below are key aspects of how the court operates:

Venue and Jurisdiction

The venue determines the proper location for filing a lawsuit. In Justice Court cases, venue must align with the legal standards for filing within Fort Bend County Precinct 2.


Plaintiffs must present clear evidence to support their claim for damages. Reducing the amount of damages to meet jurisdictional limits is prohibited.

Parties to the Suit

Properly identifying the plaintiff(s) and defendant(s) is crucial. Plaintiffs must ensure the defendant’s legal name and capacity (e.g., individual, corporation, or partnership) are correct to avoid recovery issues.

Service of Citation

Citations must be served by the Constable or Sheriff in the defendant’s county. Plaintiffs are responsible for verifying the defendant’s address and ensuring timely service.

Steps After Filing a Suit

Once the lawsuit is filed, citations are issued to the defendant(s), who then have 10 days to file a written answer. If no answer is filed, plaintiffs must submit an affidavit under the Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act before seeking a default judgment.

Trial and Discovery

  • Trial Process: After the defendant responds, a trial date is set with at least 45 days’ notice. Plaintiffs and defendants must appear on time, and any changes to contact details should be immediately reported to the court.
  • Discovery: Pretrial discovery may include interrogatories, requests for admissions, and document production. Discovery is limited in small claims cases and requires judicial approval.

Post-Judgment Actions

When a judgment is awarded, plaintiffs have several options for enforcement if the defendant does not comply:

  • Abstract of Judgment: Filing an abstract creates a lien on the defendant’s real property in the county where it is recorded.
  • Writ of Execution: Allows the Sheriff or Constable to seize non-exempt assets from the defendant to satisfy the judgment.

Legal Assistance and Representation

Although individuals may represent themselves, legal guidance can streamline the process. With over 25 years as a debtor attorney, I now offer tailored assistance to creditors on a contingent fee basis, requiring no upfront costs. I also specialize in Texas exemptions planning to help individuals protect their assets while complying with state laws.

Whether you’re navigating judgment enforcement or safeguarding your assets, I provide professional and compassionate support. Contact me today for a consultation.

Michael Busby Jr.
6100 Corporate Dr, Ste 190, Houston, Texas 77036
Phone: (713) 974-1151 | 281-DIVORCE
Visit my website

This approach ensures that creditors can recover debts effectively while individuals can safeguard their financial future with proper asset protection strategies.

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Michael Busby is a Houston divorce lawyer who has been in practice for over 20 years and appears daily in the Family Law Courts of Harris County and Fort Bend County Texas

Busby & Associates , have two Houston Offices, one in Chinatown, Houston Texas and another in Independent Heights, Houston, Texas. Michael Busby is Board Certified in Family law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.