1-281-DIVORCE (348-6723)


1-281-DIVORCE (348-6723)

West University Place Bankruptcy Attorney

West University, Texas residents that owe the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) money for back personal income taxes and have assets like a retirement plan, 401k or IRA, or have equity in their homestead or property, then the West University Place bankruptcy lawyers at Busby & Associates may be able to help them keep those assets from being seized by the IRS under a lien or levy. By filing a chapter 13 reorganization repayment plan, Busby & Associate’s bankruptcy attorneys can IMMEDIATELY, under Federal law, prevent the IRS from seizing West University resident’s assets and property. The money owed to the IRS would then be paid back in a court ordered repayment plan either with no interest or a small rate of interest if the IRS has a lien or levy on the West University resident’s assets. The bankruptcy lawyers of Busby & Associates may be able to pay less than what is owed to the IRS depending on the value of the assets involved. If the assets have been seized by the IRS, the consumer tax issue lawyers at Busby & Associates may be able to get them returned immediately upon filing the chapter 13 repayment plan.

West University Place Divorce Attorney

West University Place Divorce Lawyer : West University, Texas residents that are seeking to end the marriage relationship can rely on Busby & Associates to assist them in this difficult time. Ending an intimate relationship that the parties have co-mingled assets, finances, and schedules is a challenge. Co-Parenting with a former spouse is supported by Texas policy when the parents as shown that they are acting responsible. Our objective and Busby & Associates, is to guide you through the experience with a result that is anticipated but not negative as to your future relationship with your children. The divorce process is started by filing an original petition for divorce. A request for temporary orders to govern conduct during the divorce is an option that you may exercise. With nine family law judges and nine associate judges, having an attorney that appears regularly in front of these judges can reduce your costs and time spent on the divorce action.