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Houston Bankruptcy & Debt Relief Law Firm Busby & Associates Agree to Disagree with the Financial Advice of Radio Personality Dave Ramsey & The Dave Ramsey Show

The Attorneys Caution Listeners to do Their Own Research and Learn More about Debt Reduction and Bankruptcy Law

PRESS RELEASE- For Immediate Release
November 5, 2007

(Houston, Texas) – Houston-based bankruptcy and debt relief law firm Busby & Associates cautions against taking the advice of nationally syndicated radio talk show host Dave Ramsey as absolute – underscoring the variations between each client and their situation will result in different outcomes.

In acknowledgment of Dave Ramsey’s strong national following, the leading law firm that stresses the importance of self-education, Busby & Associates, recently attended one of Ramsey’s live seminars.

According to the Busby & Associates attorneys who attended the seminar, the Tennessee based author, radio show host and motivational speaker, helps people stop the cycle of debt.

“A very strong speaker, Ramsey got the crowd motivated and excited about the thought of getting out of debt that night. We came away from the live event impressed and excited about helping our own clients get out of debt,” said Busby & Associates Partner Michael Busby, Jr..

“However, we caution against accepting Ramsey’s edicts as absolutes. Having filed bankruptcy himself earlier in life, Ramsey strongly advocates against filing bankruptcy. And while it’s exciting to hear about people who pay off $40,000 of credit card debt in two years, it is not practical for every person,” said Busby.

Associates continued saying that Ramsey advocates selling personal assets, working a second job and devoting every bit of income to debt reduction – even if that takes years. Unfortunately, many Busby & Associates clients are already working second jobs.

“Many of our clients are working second jobs just to meet the bare minimums in life like rent, utilities and groceries. The last thing on their mind is paying off debt,” said Busby & Associates attorney Eric Southward.

Southward said that he also strongly advocates doing everything possible to get out of debt; but cautions people to think about the extreme measures and the practicality of the plan in their particular life.

The law firm of Busby & Associates reminds people that bankruptcy is a last resort option. It remains available to people, who have done everything possible to eliminate debt but have run out of options. Some individuals are unable to take second jobs as a result of health-related issues, while others have very few assets left to sell – and still others may be in danger of losing necessary assets such as their home and automobile.

“A book, a motivational speech or a 60-minute radio talk show is not going to save someone’s house,” said Southward.

“Sometimes the best option is bankruptcy. Even Ramsey indicates that $60,000 in credit card debt may require stronger measures. Five to six years of a second job and a Spartan lifestyle may simply be too much for your average person,” added Southward.

Busby & Associates is a full service Houston and Harris County bankruptcy, debt negotiation, divorce, family and consumer law firm. The firm takes care to discuss all possible options and alternatives in getting out of debt. To learn more about Busby & Associates, or to schedule a consultation, call toll free at (866) 912-9832 or log on to www.busby-lee.com.

Contact: Michael Busby,Jr., Partner
Busby & Associates, Attorneys & Counselors at Law, P.C.
6100 Corporate Drive Suite 190
Houston, Texas 77036
Tel: (713) 974-1151
Fax: (713) 974-1181
E-mail: [email protected]

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