Juez de Paz del Condado de Brazoria Precinto 4 Lugar 1
Si ha sido demandado por una deuda en el Precinto 4, Lugar 1 del condado de Brazoria, este blog proporciona cómo defender, liquidar o cancelar la deuda en caso de quiebra.
Juez de Paz del Distrito Precinto 4 del Condado de Brazoria, Lugar 1, está presidido por la Honorable Juez Sarah Linder . El tribunal está ubicado en 3633 County Road 58, Manvel, TX 77578. La Constitución de Texas requiere que cada condado del estado establezca entre uno y ocho distritos electorales de justicia de paz, dependiendo de la población del condado.
Además, dependiendo de la población del distrito, se establecerán uno o dos juzgados de paz en cada distrito. En el condado de Brazoria hay 8 tribunales de Justicia de Paz.
Hay aproximadamente 823 tribunales de justicia de paz en Texas para los 254 condados. La jueza Sarah Linder tiene jurisdicción sobre asuntos civiles en los que el monto en controversia no supera los $20,000, sin incluir los intereses.
Antes del 1 de septiembre de 2007, la jurisdicción de la jueza Sarah Linder se limitaba a reclamaciones de hasta $5.000,00. La jueza Sarah Linder tiene jurisdicción sobre demandas relacionadas con la ejecución de una restricción de escritura de una subdivisión residencial que no se refiere a un cambio estructural de una vivienda. La jueza Sarah Linder también tiene jurisdicción en casos de desalojo.
La Regla 523 de las Reglas de Procedimiento Civil de Texas rige los procedimientos en los Tribunales de Justicia. Todas las normas que rigen los tribunales de distrito y de condado también rigen para los tribunales de justicia en la medida en que puedan aplicarse, salvo que la ley disponga específicamente lo contrario. Regla 523, Reglas de Procedimiento Civil de Texas. Las Reglas de Prueba de Texas rigen los procedimientos civiles en los Tribunales de Justicia. Regla 101, Reglas de Prueba de Texas.
Demandas judiciales Precinto 4 Lugar 1 Condado de Brazoria
Revise el mapa de arriba para ver cuál es el lugar adecuado para su demanda.
La demanda ante el tribunal de justicia es una demanda civil por daños monetarios, posesión de bienes inmuebles y ejecución de gravámenes sobre bienes personales. El monto de la controversia no debe ser superior a $20,000 o menos, excluidos los intereses.
La demanda judicial de reclamos menores es una demanda civil por daños monetarios únicamente (no puede recuperar bienes personales). El monto en controversia no debe ser superior a $20,000 o menos, intereses incluidos.
La cantidad de dinero por la que está demandando se llama “daño”. El importe del daño reclamado debe estar respaldado por pruebas. ¡Un demandante no puede reducir el monto del reclamo subyacente para mantener una demanda en el Tribunal de Justicia o en el Tribunal de Reclamaciones Menores!
NOMBRE DEL DEMANDANTE: Esta es la parte que interpone la demanda. Sólo las personas o empresas nombradas en la parte superior de la Petición como Demandantes pueden cobrar una Sentencia a favor del Demandante.
Debe demandar al(los) Demandado(s) en su capacidad legal adecuada. Si nombra mal al demandado o escribe mal el nombre del demandado, es posible que se le impida la recuperación. Tenga mucho cuidado al nombrar al acusado.
Como individuo: Debe demandar al demandado individualmente en las dos situaciones siguientes:
(1) El Demandado es personalmente responsable ante usted por los daños que pueda haberle causado, y
(2) El Demandado, a título individual y que opera una propiedad o sociedad, es responsable ante usted por los daños que pueda haber causado.
Como propiedad o sociedad: una propiedad o sociedad es una empresa que no está constituida, pero que ha presentado un “Agente registrado” ante el Secretario del condado de Brazoria, Texas.
Como Corporación: Si el negocio que le ha perjudicado está incorporado, debe comunicarse con la Oficina del Contralor del Estado de Texas al (800) 252-1386, o con la Secretaría de Estado de Texas al (512) 463-5555. Solicite el nombre y dirección para notificaciones del Agente Registrado para notificaciones de la corporación (también trabajará el Presidente o Vicepresidente). Esta es la persona que ha sido autorizada para recibir información sobre demandas presentadas contra esta corporación.”
El agente o alguacil, en el condado donde se encuentra el demandado, debe notificar a cada demandado personalmente. Es su responsabilidad asegurar el servicio de sus citaciones. Si obtiene una mejor dirección para el demandado, llame al tribunal y al agente o al sheriff y proporcione la nueva información lo antes posible para la entrega de la citación en el Precinto 4, lugar 1, condado de Brazoria.
Indique completamente la naturaleza de su reclamo, enumerando hechos y circunstancias específicos sobre su reclamo. Debe detallar cómo obtuvo el monto total de su reclamo si se trata de más de un artículo.
Law Suits Precinct 4 Place 1, Brazoria County, after you have filed your petition the Small Claims or Justice Court, the Court will issue and forward the Citation(s) to the Texas Constable or Sheriff’s office you have indicated for service on the Defendant(s). Check periodically by telephone either with the Clerk of the Court or the Constable or Sheriff’s office directly.
Once the Citation has been served the Defendant must file a written answer to the suit on or before the Monday next following the expiration of ten (10) days, beginning with the date of service.
If the Defendant does not file an answer to the lawsuit, or does not appear in court, the Plaintiff will NOT be able to receive a “default judgment” unless the Plaintiff first files with the Court a Service members’ Civil Relief Act Affidavit stating, under oath, that the Defendant is not in the military service on active duty status. The Department of Defense maintains a secure website where the Plaintiff can obtain a status record. This website requires registration of name and address, fax and telephone numbers, email address and mother’s maiden name, in order to use the website. This form may be downloaded from some Court’s websites, or requested from the address below:
Law Suits Precinct 4 Place 1, Brazoria County, a party may represent himself/herself regardless of whether he/she is an individual, proprietorship, or corporation. The Texas Rules of Evidence and Texas Rules of Civil Procedure are in effect in Justice Court suits, but not in Small Claim Court suits.
If the Defendant files a written answer in a Justice Court case, some Local Rules require that Forty Five (45) days pass before the case can be set for trial. You will receive written notice of your Court date. If you change your address or phone number please notify the Court immediately. Please arrive on time for your scheduled trial or hearing.
Discovery is used to describe many different ways of obtaining information and evidence prior to trial, to be used at trial. While discovery is common in Justice Court cases, the permission of the judge must be sought for limited discovery in Small Claims cases. Examples of discovery include:
• Interrogatories (written questions requiring sworn answers);
• Requests for Admissions (written statements requiring sworn admission or denial);
• Requests for Production (written requests to produce evidentiary items for examination by the opposing party prior to trial) less common at the Justice Court level, oral depositions of witnesses are taken before a court reporter. Most discovery documents come with directions attached. Read them carefully! Failure to respond to discovery in a timely manner may result in the loss of the case.
The Justice of the Peace forums are not “courts of record.” There is no court reporter recording witness testimony. In ALL Small Claims and Justice Courts recording devices are not permitted without the judge’s prior consent.
Witnesses: If there are witnesses who will not come to Court voluntarily, you may request that a Subpoena be prepared and served to secure their presence in Court. This should be done at least two weeks before trial in order to allow for service of the Subpoena.
Evidentiary Subpoenas: If the Defendant or any other witness has documentation that you do not have, and that is necessary to prove your case, you may have the person who has control of the evidence subpoenaed to bring the documentation to Court. The items you want must be listed clearly and attached to the Subpoena. All of the other information mentioned above is also applicable to evidentiary subpoenas.
If you desire a trial by jury you must pay a jury fee at time you file your petition.
Either party has ten (10) days in which to appeal the Judge’s decision. An appeal bond must be filed with the Court on or before 4:30pm on the 10th day after the date of Judgment. Appeals filed after this date will be denied.
• Contact the Court and find out the amount of the appeal bond required for your appeal.
• Prepare a Surety Bond for the entire amount of the Appeal Bond required by the Court.
• Pay a $10.00 Transcript fee
The Small Claims or Justice Court will then prepare a Transcript of the pleadings on file in your case and send it to the County Court Clerk for the County where the initial Small Claims or Justice Court lawsuit was filed. All Court contact from this point on will be with the County Court. There will be filing fees required from the County Court, and they will contact the party who is appealing regarding payment of those fees.
Motions for New Trial must be filed in writing within five (5) days from the date of the Judgment
If you receive a Judgment against the Defendant and the Defendant does not file a Motion for New Trial within five (5) days, does not file an Appeal within ten days, or does not pay the Judgment within ten (10) days you may seek other remedies to collect your Judgment.
ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT: You may obtain an Abstract of Judgment any time after the 11th day from the date of Judgment. The cost of an original Abstract is Five Dollars ($5.00), and you may obtain them from the Small Claims or Justice Court. The Abstract should be filed at the Recorder’s office in any County where you think the Judgment Debtor may own real property.
WRIT OF EXECUTION: You may obtain a Writ of Execution any time after the 30th day from the date of Judgment. A Writ of Execution allows a Sheriff or Constable to try and seize certain non-exempt property from the Defendant. If property is seized, an auction will be held and the proceedings from the sale will satisfy your Judgment.
WRIT OF GARNISHMENT: A Writ of Garnishment is available 7 Days after the date of Judgment. Texas allows bank accounts but not wages to be garnished.
TURNOVER WRIT: This process requires a Court hearing. This may include turnover of non-exempt property and tax refunds.
If one party to whom a judgment is owed cannot be located, it is possible to pay the judgment into the registry of the court on a showing of good faith attempts by the judgment debtor to locate the prevailing party. Once the court is satisfied that the party cannot be located, the payment can be accepted and the court can issue a release. The money is then held until claimed by the party to whom it is owed, or the money is forfeited to the State of Texas.
File for Bankruptcy Protection
If this lawsuit is one of several debts you owe, then it is likely you will be sued by more creditors. Being sued is no fun and having to deal with each suit is overwhelming. If you owe several creditors and over $10,000 in debt, filing for bankruptcy protection may be worth it.
When you file for bankruptcy protection, you deal with all of y our creditors at once. The cost of filing bankruptcy is less than trying to negotiate a settlement with each creditor individually. Settling even one lawsuit typically will cost more than the total cost of a bankruptcy. Bankruptcy makes sense because you take care of ALL debts for the cost of settling one lawsuit.
Additionally, an attorney will represent you against ALL of your creditors instead of a lawyer representing you in just one creditor’s lawsuit. You will have ALL the protections of the bankruptcy code and rules—including a Bankruptcy Judge who will enforce those rules.
In our experience, once you owe several creditors and owe enough debt, bankruptcy clearly becomes the easiest and most cost-efficient route for dealing with your creditors and lawsuits.
Our law firm helps people get out of debt. It’s all we do. For over 20 years, we have successfully helped thousands of people get out of debt and get the fresh start they deserve, and we can help you.
Our focus is not only on your case but empowering you with knowledge and tools to move on with your life. To us, bankruptcy allows you to close a one chapter in your book of life, and then help you create a new one. The time is now!
Please VISIT our Google Bankruptcy page for more information about us and the services we offer people being sued in Brazoria County Precinct 4 Place 1. Please see our video Get out of debt with Bankruptcy.
LLÁMENOS hoy al (713) 974-8099 para programar una consulta sin compromiso o envíenos un correo electrónico a [email protected] . Nuestra oficina está ubicada cerca del centro, justo al norte de Heights. Aquí está el enlace a nuestra oficina de Northside para obtener dirección e información. Si se encuentra en el lado oeste, aquí está el enlace a nuestra oficina del lado oeste para obtener dirección e información.
Podemos declararnos en bancarrota según el capítulo 7 para eliminar completamente su deuda. O podemos declararnos en bancarrota según el capítulo 13 para reorganizar su deuda durante un período de 3 a 5 años.
Brindamos servicios legales en el condado de Brazoria, Texas, incluidas las ciudades de Alvin, Angleton, Brazoria, Brookside Village, Clute, Danbury, Freeport, Lake Jackson, Liverpool, Manvel, Oyster, Creek, Pearland, Richwood, Sandy Point, Surfside Beach, Sweeny, Columbia Occidental, Holiday Lakes, Quintana.
Manejamos casos de quiebra en todos estos condados: Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Matagorda, Austin, Brazos, Colorado, Fayette, Fort Bend, Grimes, Harris, Madison, Montgomery, San Jacinto, Walker, Waller, Wharton.