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Justice of the Peace Brazoria County Precinct 2 Place 2

Justice of the Peace Brazoria County Precinct 2 Place 2

The Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 2, in Brazoria County is located at 111 E Locust, Room 110, Angleton, TX 77515, and presided over by the Honorable Judge Richard Davis.

Key Features of Justice Courts

  1. Jurisdiction: Handles cases where the amount in controversy is $20,000 or less (exclusive of interest).
  2. Case Types: Includes debt collections, evictions, and small claims for money damages.
  3. Rules: Governed by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure and Texas Rules of Evidence.
  4. Non-Record Court: No recordings or court reporters are allowed without prior consent.

For debtors and creditors alike, these courts provide a straightforward forum to resolve disputes.

For Creditors: Turning Judgments into Cash

After winning a judgment, creditors often struggle to collect. Texas laws, including exemptions, make some property off-limits, but tools like writs of garnishment can help recover funds.

Writ of Garnishment: Seizing Bank Accounts

This is the most effective tool creditors use to collect from debtors. Here’s how it works:

  • What It Is: A court order directing a bank to freeze a debtor’s account and release funds to satisfy the judgment.
  • Process: File a writ of garnishment through the justice court. The bank will respond by freezing the account and notifying the debtor.
  • Limitations: Exemptions like wages, retirement accounts, and certain government benefits cannot be garnished in Texas.

Other Collection Methods

  1. Writ of Execution: Allows seizure of non-exempt personal property for auction.
  2. Abstract of Judgment: Places a lien on real property, preventing its sale without satisfying the debt.
  3. Turnover Orders: Requires the debtor to turn over specific non-exempt assets.

For creditors, navigating these tools requires precision and persistence.

For Debtors: Protecting What You Have

Texas is known for its strong debtor protections, which include exemptions for critical assets. If you’re facing garnishment or other collection actions, you may be eligible for bankruptcy, which can halt these efforts immediately.

Texas Exemptions

  • Homestead Exemption: Your primary residence is fully protected, regardless of value.
  • Personal Property: Vehicles, tools of trade, and household items (up to specific values) are exempt.
  • Wages and Retirement Accounts: Protected from garnishment in most cases.

Bankruptcy: A Fresh Start

Bankruptcy offers immediate relief and long-term solutions for debtors:

  1. Automatic Stay: Stops all collection actions, including garnishments and liens.
  2. Debt Discharge: Eliminates unsecured debts like credit cards and medical bills in Chapter 7.
  3. Repayment Plans: Chapter 13 allows debt restructuring and protection for non-exempt assets.

Understanding Justice Court Logistics

Whether you’re filing or defending a claim, knowing the logistics of Justice of the Peace Courts is essential:

Filing and Venue

  • Creditors must file in the proper venue, typically based on the defendant’s residence or the location of the incident.
  • Ensure all paperwork, including the plaintiff’s and defendant’s proper legal names, is accurate to avoid delays or dismissals.

After the Suit Is Filed

  • Service of Citation: The defendant must be served personally by a constable or sheriff.
  • Defendant’s Answer: The debtor must respond within 10 days, or the creditor may seek a default judgment.

Trial and Discovery

  • Trials are straightforward, with limited discovery. However, debtors and creditors can use tools like interrogatories or subpoenas to strengthen their cases.

Why Bankruptcy May Be Your Best Option

For debtors overwhelmed by garnishments or other collection actions, bankruptcy can be a game-changer:

  • Stops Collections Immediately: The automatic stay halts all collection efforts.
  • Protects Assets: Texas exemptions allow you to keep your home, personal property, and more.
  • Simplifies Debt: Chapter 7 wipes out unsecured debts, while Chapter 13 creates manageable repayment plans.


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Michael Busby is a Houston divorce lawyer who has been in practice for over 20 years and appears daily in the Family Law Courts of Harris County and Fort Bend County Texas

Busby & Associates , have two Houston Offices, one in Chinatown, Houston Texas and another in Independent Heights, Houston, Texas. Michael Busby is Board Certified in Family law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.